About Us
Demirsoy Tarım company was established with the aim of carrying out R&D studies in the field of agriculture in Turkey, producing high value-added products using new technologies and marketing them worldwide. Demirsoy Tarım started its investments in 2013 in the 25,000 square meter garden it established in Fethiye – Göcek. Demirsoy Tarim transformed this garden into a private farm and started to produce a winter black truffle garden and the most valuable lavender species, Lavandula Angustifolia. He also established a lavender essential oil distillation plant on this farm.
Demirsoy Tarim
As a second stage, in 2015, a 150,000 square meter farm was established in Domuzovası, Fethiye, where summer black truffles, lavandula angustifolia and saffron are grown.
In the third phase, it started to produce and sell truffle cultivated tree saplings in the world’s most advanced technology greenhouse in Fethiye’s Kabaağaç village in 2016.
As the fourth stage, in 2019, it started to produce medicinal and aromatic plants on 1,500,000 square meters of land rented from the Treasury and the villagers in Kayabaş village of Korkuteli district of Antalya. This production still continues to increase.